          ◎中國強大卻如此敏感 st1\:*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}◎中國強大卻如此敏感 ■ /雲程譯 (2009.09.03) 中國:強、大卻如此敏感 ■ / 雲程譯(2009.09.03) 敏感的中國被外交之箭所傷 一個世紀以來,擁有13億人民與250萬常備軍且念茲在茲想成為超強的中國,當然會「很受傷」。 中國的眼中釘達賴喇嘛在台灣走動撫慰莫拉克颱風的災民。中國的反應至今(2009.09.03)還算異常的靜默,這是北京對於圖博宗教領袖入侵中國政治領域的異常反應。當中國因為達賴喇嘛訪問各國而覺得受到侵犯,外交部長必然以「傷害情感」來描述其對中國人民的傷害。 但說真的,根據中國部落客與北京大學新聞學碩士候選人方可成(Fang Kecheng)觀察,中國從1949年共產黨推翻國民黨以來,至少正式的覺得「很受傷」達140次以上且遍及42國,包括偏遠的冰島、瓜地馬拉,以及一堆組織。這位部落客認為,中國政府應該揚棄這「口頭禪」,因為這樣一來表示中國看起來很弱。 典型的反應如:「此事深深影響中國的內部事務,嚴重傷害中國人民情感,並傷害中國與XX國雙邊關係」云云。 最近是澳洲與墨爾本電影節在八月邀請流亡的維吾爾運動領袖熱比婭卡德爾(Rebiya Kadeer),並拍攝其紀錄片《愛的十個條件》(10 Conditions of Love),中國外交部說「傷害中國人民情感」。 中國的暴怒,不僅抵觸當外界針對圖博的政策時其所高舉的「不得干涉中國?土地買賣漪F」的原則,而且也有推升了熱比婭的國際聲望的效果,對於這沒沒無名的影片也有從750席的小戲院提昇到1300座的墨爾本大會堂的推廣作用。中國政府將熱比婭妖魔化,其國營媒體採用長距離網路技巧,在7月5日慫恿在中國西部新疆維吾爾穆斯林與漢人的暴動,並造成200人死亡。 但中國對達賴喇嘛的反常行為引起方可成的興趣。他說,當他讀到「在法國總統薩科齊在2008年12月6日與達賴喇嘛會面,外交部副部長何亞飛說「此次會面大大的干涉中國內政,嚴重的損及中國核心利益,嚴重傷及中國人民的情感,並傷害中法與中歐關係的基礎。」 「當這些句子進入我眼前」方可成說,「我忽然福靈心至的想:到底『傷害感情』在何時起成為中國政府的傳統,中國政府到底多喜歡用它?」 方可成說在北京大學《人民日報》檔案中找,發覺在1948年就出現中文的「傷害感情」。 結果就成為其碩士論文的題目,在其中他扣緊許多中國人民感情被正式「傷害」的次數,以及哪些國家最愛「傷害」。 他發覺在1949年到1978年的「毛澤東時代」,當時中國人民的情感僅僅被傷害3次而已。統計表顯示出在1978年至今的「改革開放時代」,1989年與1998年各有11次,而2000年有12次之多。 「網民的回應超乎我的想像之外」方可成說「當我將文章貼到部落格上,瀏覽人數急遽增加,也大量被轉引到其他部落格與論壇上。多數中國網民說這很有趣也很具啟發性。」 「但對我而言,我收到最有趣的回應是從北京著名的極左毛派書店『烏托邦』而?西裝外套荂C他們轉引我的文章到其網站上。他們想利用這文章中毛澤東很少使用『傷害情感』的事實來彰顯其當年的『偉大』。」 「當毛死後情勢已然改變,還有『改革開放政策』。」方可成在論文上寫著:「中國邦交國數目已達160國以上。先前『帝國主義敵人』已經變成朋友,不能再撻伐!『憤概』『憤怒』與『譴責』等用語顯示這等改變。現在,這些用語已經用來批評恐怖份子等敵人。」 因此,中國政府選擇『傷害情感』這用語作為替代品?也許答案在文化傳統中。中國社會是奠基於個人情感與人類情緒。傷害朋友的情感在中國文化中是嚴重的事情。譴責人們傷害其他人的情感,是強烈的道德制裁。 「但是,國際事務並非中國文化傳統的一部份」,方可成繼續說「當西方國家聽到中國說他們『傷害中國人民情感』,這毫無意義,只顯現『我是弱者』。中國政府已到了該檢討改用其他用語的時候了。」 方可成發現,特別在1946年到2006年,有21個國家與組織傷害過所有13億中國人民的情感。日本是第一名,在1985年其傷害了58次之多。其餘則是: 美國:27次,從1980年起,當洛杉磯奧運飄揚台灣的旗幟。 北約:10次,主要從1999年轟炸被爾格樂中國大使館起。 印度:9次,1959年起,主要與邊境議題有關。 法國:6次,從1989年起。 諾貝爾委員會:4次。 德國:3次,1990年會晤達賴喇嘛起。 梵諦岡:3次,從2000年起。 歐盟:2次,從2000年起。 瓜地馬拉:2次,都在1997年。 印尼:1959年,新聞煽動排華情緒。 阿爾巴尼亞:1978年,當時批評毛主席與 小型辦公室中國共產黨。 越南:1979年,高官邸毀中國 聯合王國:1994年,台灣議題 荷蘭:1980年,政府允許售台潛艇 菲律賓:1987年 丹麥:1997年 冰島:1997年,允許連戰訪問(弔詭的是2005年連戰與胡錦濤會面,這是1945年8月毛澤東與蔣介石在重慶會面以來最高層級會面) 約旦:1998年,允許連戰訪問 尼加拉瓜:1995年,支持台灣加入聯合國 南非:1996年,提議兩中政策 但方可成可能低估了,另一個紐西蘭的中文部落格Arctosia所做的研究,以世界地圖顯示。 傷害過「中國人民情感」的國家以黑色表示 Arctosia依照地區列舉42個國家 歐洲(12):梵諦岡城市國、聯合王國、法國、德國、荷蘭、義大利、西班牙、捷克共和國、瑞典、丹麥、斯洛維尼亞、阿爾巴尼亞 北美洲(2):美國、加拿大 中美洲(6):瓜地馬拉、格瑞那達、聖露西亞、聖文森、紅都拉司、尼加拉瓜 南美洲(1):智利 大洋洲(4):紐西蘭、所羅門群島、諾滷、馬紹爾群島 非洲(9):查德、馬拉威、布吉納法索、史瓦濟蘭、聖多美普林西比、甘比亞、賴比瑞亞、塞內加爾、南非 亞洲(8):日本、越南、菲律賓、印尼、印度、約旦(柬埔寨、寮國) China: Big, Strong and Really, Really Sensitive A sensitive China suffers diplomatic slings and arrows For a country aiming for superpower status, with 1.3 billion citizens and a standing army of 2.5 million, China certainly gets its 烤肉食材 feelings hurt a lot. With the Dalai Lama, China 's bete noir, traipsing around Taiwan to comfort those afflicted by Typhoon Morakot, China 's reaction so far has been astonishingly muted, given Beijing 's usual response to the Tibetan religious leader's incursions into the Chinese political sphere. When China feels offended – more often than not over a visit by the Dalai Lama to somewhere, the Foreign Ministry's diplomatic response almost invariably contains the words "hurt feelings" to describe the damage done to the Chinese people. By actual count, according to Fang Kecheng, a Chinese blogger and journalism master's degree candidate at Peking University and others who keep count, China's feelings have been hurt officially at least 140 times by at least 42 countries as obscure as Iceland and Guatemala as well as a bunch of organizations since the Communists threw out the Kuomintang in 1949. The government, the bloggers think, ought to give up the phrase because it makes them look weak. "The (incident/statement) grossly interfered in China 's internal affairs, gravely hurt the feelings of the Chinese people and damaged the political basis of China- (offending country) bilateral relations" is a typical response. 房屋出租 Most recently it was Australia and the Melbourne Film Festival that China 's Foreign Ministry said "hurt the feelings of Chinese people" when in August it hosted exiled Uhygur activist Rebiya Kadeer and screened a documentary about her called "10 Conditions of Love." China's pique – not only contrary to its own mantra of "no interference in China's domestic affairs" when its Tibet policy is questioned – also had the predictable effect of boosting Kadeer's international profile and sparking so much interest in the heretofore obscure film that it went from being screened in a 750-seat cinema to selling out the 1,300-seat Melbourne Town Hall. Kadeer has been demonized by the Chinese government and state-media as using long distance Internet voodoo to almost supernaturally instigate the riots between Muslim Uyghurs and Han Chinese in the western province of Xingiang that left more than 200 people dead on July 5. But it was China-generated controversy over the Dalai Lama that sparked Fang's interest. He wrote that when he read that "after French President Nicolas Sarkozy's meeting with the Dalai Lama on December 6th, 2008, Deputy Foreign Minister He Yafei said, ‘The meeting grossly interfered in China's internal affairs, severely undermine 租房子d China's core interests, gravely hurt the feelings of the Chinese people and damaged the political basis of China-France and China-EU relations.' "When this phrase came into my eyes," Kang said, "an idea flashed in my mind: to find out when ‘hurt feelings' became a tradition for the Chinese government, and how often does the government use it?" Fang plugged into an online archive of People's Daily at Peking U that dates back to the founding in 1948 and began typing the Chinese characters for "hurt feelings" into the search data base. The result has become his master's thesis for which he has graphed the number of times the Chinese people's feelings been officially "hurt" and what countries have done it the most. He found a sharp distinction between the Mao era (1949-1978) when Chinese feelings were hurt only three times, and the reform era (1978-present) when a bar graph he created showed hurt feelings spiking at 11 times in 1989 and 1998 and 12 times in 2000. "The reaction (from netizens) has been beyond my imagination," Fang said. "After I posted it in my blog, the page view of my blog increased dramatically and it was copied and posted on so many other blogs and forums. Most Chinese netizens said they considered it to be interesting and instructive. "But 室內設計for me, the most interesting reaction I received was from a famous ultra left-wing Maoist bookstore in Beijing called "Utopia" which posted my research in their website. They wanted to use it to show the "greatness" of the Mao Zedong era, because the government seldom used the phrase "hurt-feelings" at that time. "Things changed after Mao's death and the ‘open door policy,'" Fang wrote in his thesis. "The number of countries with diplomatic relations with China grew to more than 160. The former "imperialist enemies" became friends instead of countries doomed to be beaten. The sharp reduction of words such as "indignation", "anger" and "denounce" clearly showed the change. Nowadays, these words are used to criticize public enemies such as terrorists." So the Chinese government chose "hurt the feelings" as the substitute? A possible explanation lies in cultural tradition. China 's society is based on personal feeling and human sentiment. Hurting a friend's feeling is severe in Chinese culture. To denounce someone as hurt the feelings of another is a strong moral sanction. "But international affairs are not part of Chinese cultural tradition," Fang continued. "When western countries hear China complaining that they have ‘hurt the feelings of the Chinese people' it means nothing but ‘I am the weaker 西裝外套one.' It's time for the Chinese government to look for another set phrase as substitute," he concluded. Specifically, Fang found, between 1946 and 2006 exactly 21 countries and organizations hurt the feelings of all 1.3 billion or so Chinese. Japan was the worst offender, 58 times beginning in 1985. The others: United States: 27 times, starting in 1980, when Los Angeles flew the Taiwan flag for the Olympics NATO: 10 times, mostly relating to the 1999 Belgrade embassy bombing India: 9 times, starting in 1959 and mostly relating to border issues France: 6 times, starting in 1989 Nobel Committee: 4 times Germany: 3 times, starting with a meeting with the D?l?i L?m? in 1990 Vatican City: 3 times, starting in 2000 EU: 2 times, starting in 1996 Guatemala: 2 times, both in 1997 Indonesia: 1959, when a newspaper inflamed anti-Chinese sentiment Albania: 1978, for criticism of Chairman Mao and the Chinese Communist Party Vietnam: 1979, for a high official's slander of China United Kingdom: 1994, over the Taiwan issue The Netherlands: 1980, over the government authorizing a company to provide submarines to Taiwan The Philippines: 1987 Denmark: 1997 Iceland: 1997, for allowing then-Taiwan "premier" Lien Chan to visit (Ironically, in 2005 he met with President Hu Jintao in the highest level exchange since August 194 代償5 when Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek met in Chongqing) Jordan: 1998, for allowing Lien Chan to visit Nicaragua: 1995, for supporting Taiwan's bid to join the UN South Africa: 1996, for proposing a two-China policy But feeling that Fang had perhaps undercounted, another Chinese blogger, "Arctosia," who posts from New Zealand , did his own research and created a world map showing countries that "have been clearly fingered by state media or representatives of the Chinese government of hurting the feelings of the Chinese people." Countries that have hurt the feelings of the Chinese people in black (Arctosia) Arctosia listed 42 countries by region: Europe (12): Vatican City, UK, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, Spain, The Czech Republic, Sweden, Denmark, Slovenia, Albania North America (2): USA, Canada Central America (6): Guatemala, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Honduras, Nicaragua South America (1): Chile Oceania (4): New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Nauru, Marshall Islands Africa (9): Chad, Malawi, Burkina Faso, Swaziland, Sao Tome and Principe, Gambia, Liberia, Senegal, South Africa Asia (8): Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, India, Jordan, (disputed: Cambodia, Laos) (source: Arctosia, (取材:Arctosia, 買房子06  .

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